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The use of data and information available on this website is at the user's own risk. By downloading and browsing the website, the visitor accepts the following terms and conditions, the disclaimers and limitations of liability contained in this disclaimer. If you believe that these terms and conditions do not apply to you, please leave the website.The material and information available on this site is provided by László Kecskeméty, breeder of the Sempiternal Fame kennel, as the owner of this website, who also owns the artwork, articles and content published on this website.The information displayed on the site is for informational purposes only. The articles, advice and links are in no way intended to constitute medical advice and are not necessarily all-inclusive and are provided for informational purposes only.The structure, appearance and content of this website are the property of László Kecskeméty, breeder of the Sempiternal Fame kennel. The materials and products contained on this website are protected by Hungarian and international copyright and other laws on intellectual property. They may not be copied, published or displayed by third parties.
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