About us
My name is László Kecskeméty, the owner of the Sempiternal Fame kennel. I got my first pug at the age of 14, with whom together we jumped in the exciting world of dog-shows. During this period I made friends with many other breed’s exhibitors and breeders, hence I got to know a bunch of great stories and other breeds as well.
The story of Sempiternal Fame schnauzer kennel started in 2010, when I was visiting kennel Arkovári, where I could spend a couple of days with black miniature schnauzers. The fact that schnauzer breed is just as nice, as shapeful, and as real character in all three sizes, arouse the desire in me to buy one for myself.
That is how I acquired from the famous Polish Dyas Poland kennel my first female black giant schnauzer No Way Dyas Poland "Zara" in March, 2011. Zara became an exceptionally good dog by appearance, nervous system and by character as well. I learnt the schnauzer’s grooming, cosmetics and schnauzer metacommunication on her. Besides acquiring Championship of many countries, ZARA also became Interchampion. My next steps regarding schnauzers took me to the Czech Republic, where I bought from the top salt and pepper miniature schnauzer kennel of Central Europe. My female puppy Jodye Astronaut, is from Dannish import parents and was born in Miroslava Sucha’s Astronaut kennel. I received many many useful advices and encouragement from Mirka, concerning Jodye’s upbringing and cosmetics, which bore fruit. She won the second place in intermediate class at the European dog show in Brno in 2014, then she got the Hungarian, Romanian, Serbian Championship and Interchampion title as well. Jody’s convincing achievements encouraged me that she should become the cornerstone of my salt and pepper miniature schnauzer breeding and to continue the work with her descendants under the kennel name Sempiternal Fame.
Year 2014 was also a huge step in the history of the kennel, as I could buy from the world-famous Spanish Tajinastes schnauzer kennel, the former year’s world champion Tajinastes Obra Maestra’s son Tajinastes Elite, with whom I could secure the excellent paternal line for my kennel. Later Elite won the Hungarian, Serbian, Romanian and Interchampion title.
Most important questions
My friendship with Luis Martin del Rio, the owner of the Tajinastes kennel, brought huge professional development. My vision about schnauzers’ cosmetics, anatomy, movement and breeding concept evolved strongly. Thus I started breeding with a fresh approach. I consider myself lucky, that the ideas of this profession’s finest influenced me. This way, based on the information and good advices coming from them, I could develop my own preferences regarding the most important questions of breeding, which are the following:
- Health
- Character
- Appearance
- Functionality
Following years
In the following years we have had studs in Poland, Russia and other imports such as "Sweet Schnauzers The World Will Be Mine" from Spain, from Alejandra Garcia, who has added a long awaited bloodline to our kennel, and our latest import, "Victorious Star Heartbreaker", from Ukraine from Inna Belska's kennel, who we also have high hopes for.
In 2022, the team was expanded with a new size and family member, as Lora, our Salt and Pepper medium schnauzer bitch, arrived from one of the world famous kennels in the Czech Republic, Alarm Beskyd kennel. These puppies, born in our kennel after excellent imports, have proven and will hopefully continue to prove that they are not only suitable for shows, dog schools and as family dogs, but that they can also make it to the top of the international schnauzer breeding scene through their own performance or through their offspring.
Last modified: 10/04/2023